Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation

Monday, October 19 |

The video bellow, How To Practice Buddhist Loving Kindness Meditation, was uploaded on Youtube by Howcast.  I practiced this mediattion for the first time to today and it felt wonderful. II started writing an article on this practice and plan to publish next week but I thought it would be great if I could encourage you to try it out in the mean time. To summarize loving kindness meditation--- Howcast writes:

"Metta bhavana, or loving-kindness meditation, is one of the two simplest meditations in Buddhism. It helps develop positive feelings towards ourselves and all other living creatures."

Did you like the video? Have you practiced this technique before? If so please leave a comment and share about your experience with loving kindness meditation.

I'm In Love...With Facebook

Thursday, September 24 |

Facebook uploaded by _Max-B on Flickr

After being harassed by hubby, for years..., I finally decided to give Facebook a try. This was not my first time so I have a couple of sorry profiles that remain abandoned. So many people loved Facebook but I just did not get it...It was a boring, a waste of time, and only encouraged people to be self indulgent... Are you so important that you have to announce to the world that you are now drinking coffee and will soon be taking a shower so that you can walk your dog? That's what I use to think about Facebook and I did not want any part of it...

But for the sake of encouraging my true love blogging, I mean my husband, I decided to give it a try. This time took and now I'm hooked...  Now that I have more narcissism practice under my belt, ...via Love, Lust and Life..., I don't mind updating my status to let the world know that I have updated the blog or that I like this photograph. I had no idea that through the application you are able able to customize Facebook and focus on the things that you like to do. Now I take a lot of joy watching my number friends and fans grow. Facebook a great way to get more blog followers and introduces me to a lot of cool info, pictures and links because of my friends updated status.

And if that was not enough I just joined Friend Feed....I must warn you that Friend Feed is equally as addictive as Facebook, but I would still recommend giving it. Friend Feed has many application that keep you connected to Twitter and Facebook so that you can...(clears throat in order to sound convincing)...spend less time on the social networks...When I stumbled upon the site and I had no clue but because of my Twitter experience I found it easy to catch on and it was love at first site (lol, get it!?! not  sight never mind!). Since I am technologically challenged I copied Wikipedia's definition to explain what Friend Feed is all about:

FriendFeed is a real-time feed aggregator that consolidates the updates from social media and social networking websites, social bookmarking websites, blogs and micro-blogging updates, as well as any other type of RSS/ Atom feed. It is possible to use this stream of information to create customized feeds to share, as well as originate new posts-discussions, (and comment) with friends.[1] The goal of FriendFeed according to their website is to make content on the Web more relevant and useful by using existing social network as a tool for discovering interesting information. Users can be an individual, business or organization. Bloggers writing about FriendFeed have said that this service addresses the shortcomings of social media services which exclusively facilitate tracking of their own members' social media activities on that particular social media service, whereas FriendFeed provides the facility to track these activities (such as posting on blogsTwitter and Flickr) across a broad range of different social networks.

 So if you become a Facebook friend, a Love, Lust and Life fan, a Twitter follower or a Friend Feed subscriber please contact me and let me now so that I can return the favor.

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The Look...Of Love...Not In...Your Eyes

Saturday, September 19 |

I just read a good article on the blog Waiting For The World To Change and I and felt inspired to write a response. Blog author Zosimee published an excerpt from Real Love: The Truth About Finding Unconditional Love and Fulfilling Relationships, a book about the difference between conditional and unconditional love. Reading this article gave me a new perspective and helped me articulate my own beliefs about the authenticity of love. I agree with the overall principles that I read but found myself getting stuck on a couple of the points made issue. Can look be used as evidence of love? ...Wouldn't it be great to know the look of love?

Here's an excerpt taken from The Destructive Legacy of Love that I disagreed with:
"...Fortunately, there are two reliable signs that love is not genuine: disappointment and anger...As a child, I was thrilled when my mother smiled at me, spoke softly, and held me, because I knew from those behaviors that she loved me. I also noticed that she did those pleasant things more often when I was "good" - when I was quiet, grateful, and cooperative. In other words, I saw that she loved me more when I did what she liked...When I was "bad" - noisy, disobedient, and otherwise inconvenient - she did not speak softly or smile at me. On those occasions, she frowned, sighed with disappointment, and often spoke in a harsh tone of voice. Although it was certainly unintentional, she clearly told me with those behaviors that she loved me less, and that was the worst pain in the world for me..."

Disappointment, anger, yelling or disapproving looks are emotional reflexes... Not signs of conditional love. Genuine reactions and expressions are what keep us emotionally and mentally well. You can choice the alternative, stuffing or manipulating your reactions in an attempt to display Real Love. Too many people define love as a feeling! When they can't eat and most of their thoughts are consumed by one person, they are in love. But when a person doesn't buy you the present you hoped for it's assumed that they don't have Real Love for you. 

Here's another excerpt from the same article:
"Conditional love is [based on]... how...[people] what they want... or at least...[do]...nothing to inconvenience [them]. In other words, we have to buy conditional love from the people around us...It's critical that we be able to distinguish between Real Love and conditional love. When we can't do that, we tend to settle for giving and receiving conditional love, which leaves us empty, unhappy, and frustrated..."

That's true! Love is a commitment to support and encourage others to best of your ability. Sometimes people that we admire and care for do things that hinder or hurt themselves and/or others. Accepting people for who they are is essential in expressing love but setting personal boundaries is equally important to maintain balance. Every living thing makes toxic materials that must be eliminated in order to function properly; loved gets stifled in realtionships where problems are ignored. Stop trying to tolerate what you believe is bad behavior. . If you yell at someone you love because of a wrong assumption don't beat yourself up. Instead take responsiblity for your mistake, apologize for the hurt you've caused, explain what you plan to do the next time you are tempted to loss it so that they can hold you accountable and ask the person if there is something you can do to make up for it you bad behavior. Get comfortable with making communication mistakes and learn from them and forgive yourself. "Love keeps no record of wrongs."

Feelings and emotions are temporary experiences...not love indicators. So what is love? Love as a noun is the commitment you make to those around you. Love as a verb are the actions you take to help, encourage and appreciate those around you. Feelings are wonderful but should not be confused with Real Love.

Related Post:
Hurt Feelings- Love, Lust and Life
Open Heart- Love, Lust and Life
Complaining About Hubby- Saturday Love
The Destructive Legacy of Love- Waiting On The World To Change

Kids... Made You Laugh

Friday, September 18 |

From babies to have a special brand of humor that can lift any mood. This week I found three YouTube videos with some funny kids. The first video is sweet & innocent, the second is a reminder to just say no, while the third is for MTV reality show fans. I hope you enjoy.

I couldn't understand why men think that women are genetically predisposed to excessive talking... until I saw this video.

Most kids are scared to go to the dentist, but I loved it. After watching this video I wonder if the bubble gum scented gas peaked my interest.

MTV's Teen Cribs is difficult to appreciate. The concept...teens that have never earned a dime showing off their plush palace while the parents get 10 seconds of screen time. No mention of the hard work that afforded them the lavish lifestyle. The kids are wined and dined by their staff and surround by their numerous friends. I get concerned about these kid's sense of morals and social aptitude. Watch the video and to understand where I'm coming from.

Please leave a comment. Share any funny stories to share about your kids or your childhood? Or you can share what made you laugh this week?

Inspirational Video

Thursday, September 17 |

Affirmation have the power to help you endure the challenges in life. When the going gets tough Don't Quit, instead take a moment to breath and remind yourself that struggles are temporary. If we preserver and work hard success will follow. If stumble of fall, recover your balance...get up and push forward. The finish line gets closer with every step you take...

...The video is very encouraging so I'll stop rambling if you watch. Even if you don't watch I'll never know unless you tell me. But if you haven't seen it you really should watch...Even if you have seen it you should watch it again because...Sorry I'm rambling again...

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Don't  Quit- 3L Spiritual Sunday

My Money Secret- 3L TCB Tuesday

Stay Motivated- Love, Lust and Life